I also bought tickets to see Jimmy Eat World in April. I am dying. I could not believe my eyes when the tour schedule had them set to come here. They are in fact, my all-time, die hard favorite band. I haven't seen them since 2003. And they only opened for like...Green Day or some bull shit. Ah yes, it was the Pop Disaster tour. A friend of ours got us tickets on the lawn but we ended up at the front in the pit. As much as I loathe what Green Day has become, they sure can put on a show. I think Blink 182 played too, but they were downright awful. I was all for Jimmy. I suuuuure would love to get them to sign all my stuff, making me the very best product of our consumer society. Their new album, Chase This Light came out this year, I recommend it. My favorite song is one called 23 which is my favorite number. I always like to think of it as 'the day after'. B always talks about what a depressing band they are, and I strongly disagree. I've grown with this band pumping into my ears. Their album Futures was an emotional one, but not depressing. They have this distinctive sound that I can't find anywhere else. It's not whiny and it's eclectic.
I took some 'me' time this weekend. Some serious me time. It had actually been a while for me; I was taking a break. But then I let the stress really get to me, and the release was phenomenal. There also comes a point when you've just spent way too much time with someone. If I had had a choice I would have chilled with my girls, but being across the state makes that impossible. I just needed some time alone, and I spent a lot of time driving around taking pictures, perusing the net for new music, reading, and just laying around. I didn't see my roommates or anything. I hung out with C on Sunday and went to the bar with A. On Saturday night I got a seriously drunk, etc. When I laid down that night, so many thoughts were rushing through my head all at once, I seriously thought my head was going to pop. Sometimes I girl just needs to shop and laugh with her friend. There were also a fair amount of hours spent playing with photoshop. There were some good moments of clarity, and I wish I had come here and gotten more of them down, but I was lazy.
But alas, not enough clarity was attained maybe? (maybe I should spend some more quality time "thinking" alone?) br />
Today as I was doing the crossword, a daily ritual, I was wondering who in the hell has time to create crossword puzzles? And is it someone's dream? Did they wake up one day and say, "I am the laziest person alive but I've got unstoppable logic and a way with puzzles and words, I think I'll live out my life creating crossword puzzles!" I'd like to tell Michael T. Williams, today's crossword creator, thanks. You make classes like Research Methods bearable.
Here, a picture I took this weekend, and an old one of the girls.