I am currently using the last remaining battery in my computer to type this entry. Here are two issues I have. First--my power chord on my laptop isn't charging my computer, at all. So I spent an hour and a half getting a work order put together on the phone with Dell. BUT it the technician won't be here until Tuesday!! Ahafdksjfk. I am angry purely for an academic reason, and not because I'm addicted to the internet culture... :D ha..
Secondly, I find myself angry that I own a laptop. I bought this computer with my money, but I really wanted a desk top, they were cheaper anyway!! But my dad was hellbent on a laptop. "Oh you can take it to class and on campus!" I never do that. I knew I wouldn't either. So whatever. It sits at my desk, always on.
I am just taking out my frustrations of not having a computer for several days. It'll be good for me really. I'll get homework done. EXCEPT FOR MY ADS WHICH HAVE TO BE TYPED UP, but I'll go to the library. Which'll only make me work harder. WHO AM I BECOMING?! I am pretty much one of the laziest people alive. I think this is why B and I are so good together, we're both EXTREMELY LAZY, but have our moments and really get our shit done. I've always been friends with people like that. Except for my roommates. It always hits me hard to see them doing homework every single night when I don't have any. Don't get me wrong, my major is just as busy as theirs, but in spurts. Not this constant roar of homework. I would die.
Hence, in my Leadership, Communication and Civility class, we did some kind of test and figured out whether each class member was more task oriented or people oriented. I came out ahead as a people person, but the tasks weren't far behind. I think that there are people who just don't give a shit, who love people, but get NOTHING done career wise, or soul wise, (well, maybe it does their soul better in a different way..?) But I mean, do these people really get anywhere in life if they don't have at least a little task orientation? And Vice Versa. Granted, there are hardasses out there with no hearts that care only about the job and hate the people. Those people are sad, but successful. So I feel like it's balanced to be a little of both, you know that people are important, but also doing things with people or leading people or getting tasks done is a priority for you too, you know that it better connects you with those people you love.
ANYWAY digression.
Point is, I planned on doing homework this weekend, and it looks like I won't have anything to distract me. But I am lazy, so i'll probably find something, but maybe I'll be lazy for less time.
I'm doing so well though :)
I got some sort of virus this week, that caused a horrible rash all over my body that was like the chicken pox, it was HORRIBLE. It started on my neck and spread over the course of 4 days, until i finally broke down and went to the student health center and got meds. I was miserable. I would wake up in the middle of the night scratching. Toward the end of the week I took benadryl every few hours to stay knocked out enough to not scratch. I felt like I looked horrible too. It wasn't disgusting or anything but it was extremely red and looked like disease haha. But B helped me buy oatmeal bath and Benadryl lotion and kept saying things like "I don't even see it" to make me feel better. And when he caught me scratching he'd stop me and rub it to make, (the doctor said rubbing was better than scratching, SO sign me up. Hopefully it'll still be cleared up by the time he gets home.
Today I spent the day with C, we ate foodz, saw hot boyz, and cruised around. ALSO we went to world of pets or something and looked at animals! I want a snake or a lizard. As long as they don't stink. I've got to hop in the shower, we're going clubbing...