Friday, June 1, 2007

Sweet Home Chicago

Chicago on my mind.

I want to go back to Chicago. Ever since my friends and I drove there and spent the week for Spring Break, I've had my mind set on ending up there one day.

The people there are SO kind; every single time we got on an elevator or needed help, the natives would strike up conversation or point us in the right direction. I've never met anyone in Dallas that is even half as kind--on the street anyway.

Right now, there are Cicadas in Chicago! They only emerge from the earth every 17 years and their sound can reach the pitch and decibel of your everyday lawn mower. LOUD! For 6 weeks the cicadas will mate, lay eggs, and then die. It just seems so summer.

It's a good 76 degrees in Chicago at this very moment. perfect.

Long Term Dream: Graduate from Tech, possibly attend graduate school in Chicago--OR: graduate, move to Austin, work for an ad-agency there, eventually move to Chicago, live and work there for several years, move back to Texas and raise a family.

But I wouldn't object to changes in that plan, that's for sure.

The BLUES BROTHERS loved it-- so do I.

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