poise and grace
That's standard op for a lady right?
School is chewing me up and spitting me out. I feel like time is flying by because the daily routine makes for less surprise than ever. So the updates will be less frequent.
I have a newswriting class that's going to kick my butt this semester. So many rules and regulations a journalist must follow on pain of losing their jobs over something as seemingly trivial as a spelling error. And the reading workload for this class is borderline ridiculous considering I do have other classes.
I can't complain too much though, overall I love my classes. My Advertising Media Planning class- I'd sit in that one all day if they allowed it. I leave feeling so confident about my choices and more excited about my future than usual. The prof's dry humor and sharp dress style keeps me awake to say the least. I actually go into the class completely prepared!
Then there is Marketing. There is a reason I'm and advertising major and not a marketing major. creativity is not the focus in Marketing. and also it is lame. I haven't been to that class at all this week. OOPS.
And Photography. It's an intro class, which at the risk of sounding like a snob, has bored the hell out me so far. I should have been in the advanced class but I was lazy and apathetic last semester and didn't make an appointment with the dean as I should have. So i sit through and relearn everything I already know. This could be useful and help strengthen my technique--especially with a 35mm manual camera that I haven't used since high school. I absolutely love film, but digital has become my crutch.
Last but not least my Honors seminar. Bones, Birds and Beetles. That's the title of the seminar. We go outside with binoculars and draw birds. I secretly LOVE the class. 3 weeks and I've already formed habit of looking at birds as I walk through campus. HUGE NERD.
This weekend I will be flying to the ATX for the Austin City Limits Music Festival. My excitement cannot be properly expressed here. But I will definitely post pictures upon my return!
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