Let me tell you why the internet is one of the most amazing things to happen to humanity.
When my mother was my age, if you wanted to know something instantly, something obscure-- do you use the traditional media??? Think about it. It's the progress of communication. Writing letters that were delivered on horseback, reading huge volumes of books in the library, the postal service, mail traveling on boats...etc. You have newspapers, television, magazines, and telephones with which to get your information. BUT the Internet. Is. Instant. (Same goes for cell phones).
I was watching a rerun of Conan O'Brien tonight, and Seth Green was one of the guests.
He was telling one of those lame boring celebrity anecdotes. I guess that's all they do on late shows, that and promote their newest project. Anyway he was telling about an encounter with Jack White, and said that JW asked him "aren't you the cha-ching guy?"
I thought to myself, "hmma...what is that from?"
Unable to place it, I youtubed it and came up with this;
Wow. haha. Regardless of the serious hilarity here, my point.
I'm able to find out anything about any one, any event, any location, ANYTHING instantly!! Vast amounts of knowledge, at my fingertips. THRILLING.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
One More Thing:

I absolutely hate the "25 things you don't know about me" note that facebook has been circulating. My roommate and I hate it so much, she posted a funny link to an article that was written ridiculing the chain note.
BUT the new thing: is. so. cute. to me. But I refuse to post it on FB. Yeah. I'm a snob.
- Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random... Read More”
or click http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to "Random quotations"
or click http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
or click http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use photoshop or similar to put it all together.
or click http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Ran
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to "Random quotations"
or click http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
or click http://www.flickr.com/explore/interestin
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use photoshop or similar to put it all together.
OK. I saw a few friends at some parties in Dallas and Austin smoking pipes with just tobacco about 2 months ago. The next big thing??
Oh Gawker.
Currently Listening to: Crying in the Chapel- Elvis Presley

So my friend G and I have started a photo blog. Soon I will post the link here when we get it really up and running.
The above is picture is the first one I've posted there. I figured the photos could include artwork or things that I'm working on. The background is an actual photo I took, altered slightly. It was just some cheap work in InDesign, but I was feeling simplistic.
I mentioned in a previous entry that I was upset that I was unable to remember the things I wanted to blog about. I've taken to writing myself little notes.
The other day I was sitting in my room, which is just my little personal corner. In this room I can close the door and enjoy an atmosphere I worked hard to create, and I've never felt more comfortable in a living space. I live on the second floor of a great little apartment with spiral staircases to our door. There are trees everywhere in this small courtyard containing a pool. Everything I could ask for in an apartment here. Here, let's get you visually involved.
West Texas Sunsets. Shade Trees. It's great.
My room--it's just a vision I've slowly put together over time. I've a handmade quilt, a hanging lamp that I got for $10!! Frames filled with Black and white versions of some of my favorite shots that I've taken, posters, a desk with my iMac desktop on it, a canvas art piece I created this summer, and this really great dark wicker chair I got at Pier 1 for $15, originally $150 but it had small damage. I've talked about this HERE. I have a walk-in closet where I store my many, many pairs of shoes and clothing. Here:
I sit in this chair, it's early afternoon, so the sunlight is pouring in at just the right angle. I was drinking tea out of on of my favorite glasses (more of a tumbler) from a set of my Great-Grandmother originally had. I remember visited her house as a child and drinking sweet tea from these direct from the 70s, cream and pistachio colored glasses. I was just thinking how special the glasses were to me. Heritage. AND They are totally me.
I began thinking about what I am going to do with my life, as I often do these days with graduation coming up. And I thought-- my surroundings are a demonstration of my creativity. Along with the memories I've gathered (and preserved), and the ideas that come from them. I thought about my memory, and how I know it will someday falter. So I decided, I would begin writing about things, soaking up the details-- to help cultivate more creativity in the future. And if I keep a good record, who knows. Publishing autobiographical essay collection is very in these days.
And here we are. So expect something better. You know.
shitlist for February (an addition):
One of the girls in my ad campaigns class. HOW dare you aspire to work in advertising when about %40 of your dialogue is consumed by the word "like". Great job, professional. Good luck in your interviews. I'm sorry. Ugh.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
What the hell do you do when everything that comes up on shuffle on your ipod is SHIT?! You clean house. An organized music library is the first step to an organized life. Too bad apple doesn't have some sort of way to manage your library from the internet. I could literally do this at school whilst bored. Maybe I should write Jobs a letter. Ha!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Find Me in the World.
I often find myself wishing I had an iphone for one reason. The internet. I'll have an entire situation that I want to blog about so that I don't forget it, but by the time I get to a place with Internet capabilities, I forget what I wanted to talk about. BLAST!
Anyway, I guess I can talk about Valentine's Day, and maybe add some things about my February shit list.
I actually spent my Valentines Day working. Waiting tables for the kinds of couples that sit on the same side of a booth or table. There's nothing like smiling and acting happy around that shit, praying for more than a $2 tip. I mean, I was happy. I had a good night, and made some money. Afterward the owner bought the wait staff and the kitchen all shots and drinks, it was great. Then I took one of the cooks home because he doesn't have a car. Little did I know, he thought that meant we were going to sleep together. WOW. Men really can be idiots. After that I went to B's for the night. It was a lovely enough evening overall.
February Shitlist:
-my ad campaigns group: give me a damn break. We've rescheduled 2 of our last three meetings, and still haven't met. AND the thing about working in a group with other Ad majors, having one in charge is-- no one agrees creatively. So, group members, any day you want to get your shit together is fine by me.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I've become addicted to a television show.
Sure, I have 2 major standbys-- The Office, and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but every once in a while... I get hooked on something and love it. Examples: The OC (seasons 1-3, the last 2? were horrible and I quit watching), Veronica Mars (loved that show), Grey's Anatomy (mainly out of the desire to fit in socially with the girls in my dorms, I stopped watching the moment it got too too soap opera-y. THINGS just get stupid!! Come on now. I also tried to get into lost, and did! for a while, but missed a few episodes and was, well, lost.
I have friends that watch the Real World, every. single. season. It's the same exact thing on repeat in hypersex every season! Give me a break. I'll watch it to make fun of everyone I hate on it, and because my best friend aspires to be on the show (ok.) I'll support it.
Bones, on Fox, my roommate got me to watch some of it because she was hooked, and now I am as well. Emily Deschanel is about, 10 times more awkward than her sister Zooey. It works for her though! And I love Zooey, I'll see anything she's in, with one exception-- The Happening. Her performance in that film was completely dead and lifeless. I don't care if her character was supposed to be detached, it wasn't good. Anywayyyyy. Emily. She's good as well. The entire cast of Bones is great, although I really don't like Cam.
I am attempting to write a speech for my worthless Public speaking class, farewell!
Sure, I have 2 major standbys-- The Office, and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but every once in a while... I get hooked on something and love it. Examples: The OC (seasons 1-3, the last 2? were horrible and I quit watching), Veronica Mars (loved that show), Grey's Anatomy (mainly out of the desire to fit in socially with the girls in my dorms, I stopped watching the moment it got too too soap opera-y. THINGS just get stupid!! Come on now. I also tried to get into lost, and did! for a while, but missed a few episodes and was, well, lost.
I have friends that watch the Real World, every. single. season. It's the same exact thing on repeat in hypersex every season! Give me a break. I'll watch it to make fun of everyone I hate on it, and because my best friend aspires to be on the show (ok.) I'll support it.
Bones, on Fox, my roommate got me to watch some of it because she was hooked, and now I am as well. Emily Deschanel is about, 10 times more awkward than her sister Zooey. It works for her though! And I love Zooey, I'll see anything she's in, with one exception-- The Happening. Her performance in that film was completely dead and lifeless. I don't care if her character was supposed to be detached, it wasn't good. Anywayyyyy. Emily. She's good as well. The entire cast of Bones is great, although I really don't like Cam.
I am attempting to write a speech for my worthless Public speaking class, farewell!
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