I often find myself wishing I had an iphone for one reason. The internet. I'll have an entire situation that I want to blog about so that I don't forget it, but by the time I get to a place with Internet capabilities, I forget what I wanted to talk about. BLAST!
Anyway, I guess I can talk about Valentine's Day, and maybe add some things about my February shit list.
I actually spent my Valentines Day working. Waiting tables for the kinds of couples that sit on the same side of a booth or table. There's nothing like smiling and acting happy around that shit, praying for more than a $2 tip. I mean, I was happy. I had a good night, and made some money. Afterward the owner bought the wait staff and the kitchen all shots and drinks, it was great. Then I took one of the cooks home because he doesn't have a car. Little did I know, he thought that meant we were going to sleep together. WOW. Men really can be idiots. After that I went to B's for the night. It was a lovely enough evening overall.
February Shitlist:
-my ad campaigns group: give me a damn break. We've rescheduled 2 of our last three meetings, and still haven't met. AND the thing about working in a group with other Ad majors, having one in charge is-- no one agrees creatively. So, group members, any day you want to get your shit together is fine by me.
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