Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bahda bababa....

I'm Lovin it.

Last time I wrote a big thing about Starbucks, this time I've delving into the world of McCafe. The way I viewed McDonald's while working at the agency and the global perception may be a bit different. Both good and bad, but mainly just different. The amount I enjoyed just doing work and being able to be a part of something on the account really transitioned over to the brand for me. It created a little more respect for the brand in my mind so to speak. Because I mean, I know what McDonald's is, I know they aren't really revered or respected for some of their characteristics. But in an advertising way, I think they do a marvelous job. They also show phenomenal social responsibility through multiple charities.

Maybe I got a little too close to be clear, which is a rookie mistake I'll bet. The Nash Attack commented about how she thought the current McCafe ad featuring Dwele, were not a real representation of the demographic, but instead a depiction of what others think African Americans want to see. I liked the ad, but thinking about what she said really got me to thinkin'. So I looked youtubed some McCafe commercials from around the globe and read up on the comments.

From what I can tell looking around on the Internet, Dwele is quite popular. The hip-hop, jazzy style is very in.

On the other hand, there are some McCafe commercials that I absolutely loathe. They insult the consumer in my opinion. "Hey if you're a regular person, then just come on in for some McCafe coffee and forget all of the uppity lingo of brands like Starbucks". But the thing is-- they characterize the regular person as an uneducated, uncultured, ignorant moneyless dumbass that buys McDonald's because it makes them feel more on their level. I'm sorry. If I were a brand, I'd be aiming a little higher, or at least making the consumer feel like they have some sort of chance to be someone. Here:

via a Boston Globe article
There's another one that's worse. Since when can't an intellectual person be cultured and a penny pincher? It's supposed to be a joke, I get it, but let's talk about a brand that did it WAY WAY WAY better than McDonald's-- Dunkin Donuts.

It's funny. It pokes fun at the competitor without poking fun at the consumer. And how can you not love a commercial narrated by John Goodman? Haha!

Anyway, this morning I tried the free sample of Starbucks Via that I received. It's good, for instant coffee. But I definitely can taste the difference. I made sure to drink a cup of regular coffee prior to consumption of the Via just to be sure. It definitely has a instant twang to it, but really isn't bad!! If you're one of those working people that rushes to work in the mornings, I'd recommend it.

1 comment:

Nash said...

Hey, if other African American people like Dwelle or whatever his name is, then great! I personally can't relate to it, but if other people can, cool.

Haha, if that dude can make a fortune whoring himself for McDonald's, GO FOR IT! I'd probably sell out and do it too! I am sure he makes TONS of money every time that commercial plays.