But real summer isn't over yet, it's still lovely outside, everyone should enjoy it!
Most recently, I finished my internship at the ad agency uptown. Overall I want to say it was a good experience... really just more of a necessary one. My internship was in account services, and in this position, I figured out that I loathe account services. Kudos to anyone that has the ability to handle a client with precision and grace, because I would kill the first stupid ass client that crossed me the wrong way. So it was a learning experience for me! When I first graduated I really was unsure of the direction I wanted to take in the industry. I knew I was creative, I knew I WANTED to be in creative but I really didn't think I had the skill necessary to dive right into it out of college. I should have been a graphic design major or at least minor. But you know! Have the degree now...
I digress. After being at the agency, I realized there are a multitude of different positions in creative, and not all of them require immediate expert level experience.
Whenever someone asks me where I want to end up in advertising, I tell them my interest in music branding and that I want to be an art buyer. But not until last night, when I submersed myself in everything advertising did I see just how much I want to be an art buyer. So now I have a pin pointed goal!
So, the job search continues...
I found an interesting article on AdAge today about women in creative. Creativity Knows No Gender, but Agency Creative Departments Sure Do :
Despite all that, women have succeeded in becoming creative directors in advertising agencies. And research has sifted out the traits they share: great creative talent, a competitive nature, resilience and an outgoing personality. They are politically astute, primarily focused on career and/or childless.
Well that puts a damper on things... I know I say I hate children, but I always think I might have some one day...
Ew. ha.
Let's talk about that game DJ Hero. It's like Guitar Hero right, only you use a turn table to scratch through mixes done by legendary DJs, I assume there is a free style mode too? Check it out here:
and a video:
My point about mentioning this?
B and C TOTALLY had this idea first! Over a year ago, they had this idea for a hip hop rap type version of guitar hero, only they wanted to call it Urban Legend. B says playing DJ Hero would make me a traitor. I want to look at it this way, really this game is more of a DJing game, and less of a rapping game. So they still have a chance! But let's face it, their idea of the game will be created eventually.
Lately, despite the job situation, I've been so... effervescent. Bubbling over with joy. I don't know why. You know, things in life really go much better when I am just able to let go and take everything a little less seriously. If i don't over analyze or jump to conclusions, things go my way. I am so much happier too. Just going with the flow for a little while. I am trying to continue thinking this way, every once in a while I lose it, but so far so good!
I leave you with a photo, OF THE ANGRIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!!!
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