King Leonidas better be next.
I find myself at a standstill.
I am doing my best to move on, I'm dating at least. Bottom line, my heart is still in Lubbock as I droll on in Dallas. I'm not sad about it or anything-- I say it matter of factly. I find myself purposely grafitfying the flaws of those I date so I end up hating them. Although, this last one wasn't very good anyway. I have a knack for dating creeps. They don't start out that way! They turn out to be so over time. Saying I wish I were still in school is an understatement.
I've been trying to find a side job while I continue on with my internship at this ad agency, hoping and praying all the while that I will get a job here soon. I've applied several places, there is one I'd really like-- a photography assistant for the weekends for weddings and other events. It sounds GREAT.
I'm also trying to sell some stuff on eBay, anything to make a little bit more money.
Although I don't get paid for my internship, it sure has its perks. Tomorrow I'm going to see a screening of Extract, the new Jason Bateman movie. It's written and directed by Mike Judge, whose work I usually enjoy.
And in 2 weeks, I am going to see Incubus in concert!!!!!1 Out of my top 5 favorite bands, I only need to see one more after this-- and that's Coldplay. YES. YES.
So beside being broke, life is all around good.
I leave you with my all-time favorite commercial:
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