I absolutely love this RAC mix of John Legend's Everybody Knows. If one artist consistently sings like he's singing because he loves music, like it's flowing from his heart, that artist is John Legend.
John Legend- Everybody Knows (RAC Mix)
I consider myself to be a decently confident person when it counts. Most of the time. Usually. I'm confident in the things that I know I'm good at-- confident almost to a fault. But in other areas in my life, I'm not always so sure about myself. It's something I'm trying to let go of. I think the need for Ego boosts, encouragement and reassurance can be healthy, not all the time, but sometimes. The expression of those things can be through actions and if it's important, words. It really reassures a human being of -'Hey, I do something that makes a difference'. Maybe you don't change the world, or save one, but maybe you make a difference for one person, two people--whatever. It's validation.
It's kin to that whole idea that if you simply acknowledge someone you pass in the hallway at work or on the streets, you could really make a day. It's the thing advertisers want to elicit through advertising-- that warm feeling that maybe the world isn't such a cold doomed place after all, and that you as the consumer have a position in it. The ideal feeling. It's the kind of feeling when you walk outside during Christmas time-- the warm smell, the cold air, people bundled up and with those they love.
Can you think back and remember moments of complete peace and bliss in your life? Because not having a job or a place to live or being angry with your current situation can best be healed in one of two ways: thinking about those wonderful times in the past or getting up and making new memories create that sentiment. I like both.
I slide off into advertisements I see lately. Hasbro and Mattel with ads about reconnecting with your family in tough financial times and playing games; having a Family Game Night and even food commercials that feature families spending more time together. What is it about situations like this that bring everyone back down to earth and simplicity? Especially in the past decade when money is ever important?
At Tech, we used to have game nights, they were some of the best nights. I remember specifically the Winter two years ago-- the time it snowed from Friday afternoon to Sunday night every weekend for like four weeks. Weekends stuck in the dorms, when we were forced to entertain ourselves with everything from video games, board games, to snowballs. We weren't happy to be stuck inside with no way to go anywhere, but we had FUN.
I've just remembered how last year, an external hard drive containing photos documenting all of these things, crashed. And the full fledged photographer in me sheds a serious tear. Someday I will have gathered the exorbitant amount of money needed to recover these files.
Anyway. I'm off to CS this weekend to enjoy the company of friends.
And in final news: This weekend is the Tech vs UT game... the daunting day approacheth...
He's ready, are you?
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