Friday, December 19, 2008

Paint The Silence

No I'm not dead! Just been too busy to blog lately. SO much to update.

It's Christmas time again, and I've stayed at the apartment and worked here in town instead of going home. I am loving it.

I got a new job at a restaurant, and it's great waiting tables. A lot of people hate it, but I really don't mind it at all. It's muuuuuch better than my job in retail before this. This job is laid back, and all of the other employees are easily made into friends.

My puppy Bailey has gotten so big!

As far as guys, I find myself stuck as usual. In the same place in which I'm always stuck. For a while I tried to just going out with guy friends and chilling, drinking, whatever. Every single time I did this, with my mind set that we were just friends, all of these guys would make a move or express feelings for me! In effect, I would drop them and avoid their phone calls and texts until they gave up. I just didn't know what else to do. I'm just not interested in them, and I shouldn't have to settle. Things will turn out how they should. I hope. My heart depends on it more than ever.

They shut down the University radio station I was working for!!! The school said it was budget issues. This was the only station that catered to the indie audience. Everyone is working to get it back. I sure would love to continue my stint DJing.

I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas, I hope to update this more often.

Monday, November 3, 2008


God. I haven't posted in an entire month. October was the craziest month ever.

I had a semi psychotic stalker who wanted so desperately to date me and be with me. I kind of freaked out.

I go out about three times as much as I used to! Haha. I toned it down a lot last year.

I lost my job at RRO, for reasons that I stand by and would completely do again. I was going to quit that next week anyway!

I got two photography jobs now that don't pay, but that's alright. Resume baby.

This weekend was not only an election weekend, Halloween weekend, but it was THE GREATEST GAME I'VE EVER BEEN TO.

I rushed the field all three times!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So, this Fall semester has been a doozy so far.

I don't even know how else to describe it.

I've been on a ton of dates and been asked for my number more times than I'd like etc.

I had a sort of creepy guy that was into me and was convinced we were together, regardless of my desperate attempts to explain to him otherwise. Consequently I had a ton of people ask me if there was anything between us. OK WTF. High school much? Then there was another guy that I really liked going out with, and the creep saw us together somewhere and apparently cornered him told him to back off. So he hasn't called me in a week now. LAME. So I finally had to lay down the law and tell the former guy what was up, even if it was brutal. I want to be nice and make friends, but shit.

My brother has always been a dater. He dates 4 or 5 girls at a time and has them chasing after him and fighting over who likes him more. Not me. Having strangers buy me drinks and guys beg me to hang out is a new experience to say the least.

Went and saw the Toadies in concert last week. Not as good as I was expecting. It was simply a performance, as if they couldn't bother putting on a real show. They did play my favorite song though, so I'm fine.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Get ready for a wild post about my recent happenings.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Gut Instincts

How man people have succeeded upon trusting their guts?

Has history been made, have fortunes been acquired, has love been found, heartache been avoided all because someone decided to trust his or her instincts?

I haven't had internet IN SO LONG, so I haven't been able to update this thing. And a lifetime of events have happened since my last update. There are things I just can't talk about, and things that I if you asked me a month ago if I thought could happen, I'd have said no.

About a month ago, I decided this year was going to be something productive. Not bullshit like so many things turn out to be. I did this same type of thing in high school too-- the "oh fuck, it's my last year, I better turn some shit around and make some things happen" attitude. I got a job, and made good attempts to be social, and I love that aspect of the job. Then, I did what I've always wanted to do, and I went to the college radio station hiring meeting to see if I could get a DJ-ing job. At first I thought, shoot it couldn't be that difficult right? Then I began to doubt myself, but I thought, "FUCK, a ton of people are going to this meeting, what the hell do I know about DJ-ing?" But I went anyway, for the experience, and the hope of meeting some people I shared interests with. I filled out the application amidst other students, who fairly filled the large lecture hall. I listened to the meeting and made eye contact with people. I thought, "I can do this, I can meet these people, socialize, and leave an impression." So afterward, I stayed behind and talked to all the old station people. Made a few friends even. I figured, even if this didn't help me ensure a DJ position, it sure couldn't hurt. Longer story short, I've got the morning after slot from 7 AM- 10 AM on Mondays DJ-ing. :-D. I went to a show one night, and even met a ton of people at the hiring meeting. Clutch.

I also met a guy. This is the part about trusting your gut. I was immediately into him, not too much, but just that right amount of "hey, this is interesting..." But not too long after, my stomach was telling me that it wasn't a good fit. Nothing that was wrong with him, it just wasn't right for me.

Friday, August 15, 2008

I Wonder

Saw this secret on PostSecret today

"I'm so sure and scared. I'm always going to be that girl who is never enough."

We're all so different, but we're all just the same.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Toot Sweets

I used to have this thing, when I would drink I would socially seclude myself, usually sitting alone outside or locking myself in a room.
It was nothing personal to those I loved, I just get so easily annoyed/bothered by others when I'm drunk and I aim to avoid being unjustifiably angry with people.

But it seems, lately, I don't do that as much anymore. I can't figure out whether it's because everyone I hang out with actually drinks now, or because I'm just in a different personal and emotional state at present.

Instead, I've gotten to be increasingly affectionate when I've been drinking.

When I first got back home I was feeling extremely confident about myself. When I'm in the DFW I get hit on in bars, I go on dates, I actually get complimented on my style and the way I hold myself. So coming back to school, I was filled with the air and readiness to go out and meet someone. And I did, for a while. But then I realized, I'm back here, in this stupid fucking town where no one hits on you, the only way you meet people is is if you're in a frat or sorority, and there are so many girls to choose from that most girls actually end up getting screwed over.

I realize, I hate going home because of the restrictions there with my family, but I love going home because I feel so comfortable in my own skin, I can do anything! I can't figure out why I let myself feel so degraded and worthless in this setting at school.

Anyway. Whatever.

The weird story I was going to get down in here? I went to the gay bar with C about a month ago and had way too many drinks and ended up meeting some guy that I went to elementary school who bought me shots. We ended up dancing for like 45 minutes and THEN making out. He told me he was 'bi' but I'm sorry I don't believe that shit. gay. I was SO drunk, C had to actually tell me the next day that I did this. How embarrassing/stupid of me. Never saw that guy again, but damn. Almost as retarded as I was in Vegas. I must have really needed a night out.

Living in the new apt has been fun so far, even though we have little to no time to decorate/get it all set up.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

With Your Feet On The Ground

So my roomie was out of town this weekend, and I was a teeny bit scared sleeping alone here. At one point I let my stupid brain convince me someone might be in the apartment, and I actually called out and asked "Hello? Anyone there?" What a lame ass. But I excuse myself by saying it was just weird because I was in a new place alone :)

Haven't slept much this week, had class from 8-12 and then work from 12-6 and then slept and homeworked after that, and stayed up all night twice this week. SWEET.

But I really like being busy. Work is really fun so far, even though they work their employees pretty hard. I hope to better my people skills and maybe even make some new friends.

I am getting a dog I think!

Some friends of my parents are trying to get rid of their 2 year-old Yorkshire Terrier because they have twin boys who are rough with the dog. So my parents are going to get it from them. I wanted a puppy, but it'll be so much nicer to have a dog that I won't need to train. I'll try and post a picture soon. If everything works out well, I can go home next weekend and pick it up! eee.

This weekend, my mom and grandmother are coming to help with the apartment. Should be an interesting one.

B and I saw Pineapple Express tonight, it was pretty funny, but not mind blowing. See it or don't.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Disco Inferno

The air conditioning in our new apartment is out. It's 86 degrees in this 2 bedroom apartment and I am about to die.

I really take for granted all of the wonderful amenities that are afforded to me sometimes!

Earlier this summer, there was a power outage at my office building, things started to go down hill very quickly. The deli downstairs couldn't make ice or produce coke. And the place slowly started to get hotter and hotter. No phones, no internet, no lights, no automatic anything.

I think it would be a bitch to live in a Laura Ingalls style hovel, having huge blocks of ice delivered and constantly being in unbearable heat.

It took me forever to get to sleep last night because I was so fucking hot. Maintenance is coming tomorrow to fix it. OR ELSE.

I've had a quite a few adventures since we moved in and I started work. Butttt more on that later

ooo and for my next update, sometimes I remember random ass crazy things that happen to me and enjoy retelling them long after the fact. So get ready for a good one.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

That's the Way this Wheel Keeps Working

A finally things are beginning to turn up, minus the whole "I can't make it to my 8 A.M. class to save my life" thing.

This week I've been trying to get a job and get my intent to graduate filed (2 months late).
Monday I had an interview with a bank here to work as a teller at one of the local branches. The interview went really well and she promised to call me within the next week or so. Then Wednesday I had an interview at Red Raider Outfitters, and was asked a bunch of retarded questions. But that interview also went really well, because today I got offered the job and took it. The bank would have paid better, but I really needed a job ASAP and they were too slow getting back to me. Besides, Red Raider will be more fun, and my new roommate works there! She hooked me up!

All week I've been dealing with the Mass Comm advising office trying to get this graduation thing worked out. My adviser told me last year that I was fine on the intent filing and didn't need to do anything for a while. He was a big, fat liar. After I got a warning on my account for the thousandth time I decided to go check out what the problem was. Turns out I needed to file on or before May 9, 2008 to graduate in 09. They really fuck you at university. I filled out all the papers and it took me forever to catch the head adviser and get a time slot. I saw her today and she totally helped me out!!! Not only did she approve me to graduate, which usually takes months, but she worked out the rest of my year so that I can combine some of my minor classes for honors credit, lessening the amount of hours I have to take in the Spring.

While I was there, I figured I'd ask her about getting some more photo classes in, because I am not allowed to take any more as a non-major. Immediately she said "Not a problem!" and gave me the names of people to clear it with and said she could get me into several of the Mass Comm Photo classes, but I could also take some within the art department! So SWEET.

Next up, the boy situation. Maybe something cool will come my way.

I move tomorrow afternoon, so I won't have internet for a while. Sad times.

I bought this sweet ass fly swatter clock at a shop down the street last week. It's going right in our kitchen.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Your Lease Is About to Expire

I spent the better part of my day packing my stuff so I can move into a new apartment on Friday. It was amidst all this that I realized that I own TOO MUCH SHIT. I backed like 4 or 5 boxes and still have all of my clothes and bedding and electronics to go. Oh and the my insane shoe collection.

So I went out to Wal-Mart and bought some stretchy trash bags so I could cull out some old clothes to donate. The thing with that is, I already have a large box full of clothing to donate. I have to be strong here and not look back through any of the stuff because I'll inevitably find something I want to keep or how found some new attraction to.

I am a little bit OCD about my room being clean, and it hasn't been clean in weeks. Right now it looks as if a bomb went off in it. Granted, I am packing, but it still makes me crazy. When I took all of the photos and picture frames down, my room looked an awful lot like a boys room, very sterile walls and no sight of the floor.

SO. I am excited to actually be living with someone this next year that I click with.

So anyway, back to packing, here are some photos from the 4th I promised.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

He asked me "How many? "and I said " I don't know..."

I am trying to stay awake as long as possible.

Tell me, how can a person stay up all night long, go to class in the morning and sleep all day afterward?

It's easy. Just change your sleeping patterns. I've gotten into the habit of staying up all night and just napping for a few hours during the day. Once it all catches up to me, I sleep for a long, long time.

But tonight. Friday night. I have been drinking, etc. I am in that place. That perfect place where you haven't had to little or too much. I prefer it here.

I can't sleep unless I'm completely exhausted. This way there is no pre-sleep thinking.

I lost everything I wanted to say, goodnight

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Rocket's Red Glare

whew, back from 4th of July vacation.

I just went home to be with my family. It was great.
We had a fish fry on Friday and 4th activities on Saturday.

I got a lot of good shots, I'll try and post some tomorrow.

I came back Monday night and was supposed to go to bed early because Summer 2 classes started the next day, buuuuuut an opportunity opened up and ended up getting really drunk with some friends. haha. whoops. But I didn't miss class or anything :D

I've been trying to make a long update, but I've been busy. SOON!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

just returned from 2 weeks without internet, psh probably one week but it felt like two! Update coming rull soon

Saturday, June 28, 2008

I LOVE Being a Nerd

I was sitting at home this afternoon, chilling out, watching something on television. During the commercial break an ad for Bush's Baked Beans came on, and as I watched it, I realized I was analyzing every bit of the commercial. So I had to come in here and find out what I could about the brand and it's history, as I judge the commercial.

Here's a time line I found via the Bush's Web site. Bush Beans
I'll highlight it

So Jay Bush, the actor in the commercials is an actual family member. And as far as I can tell this business has always been a family owned business. I think that brings a lot of loyalty and respect to the brand. People see something that is still thriving from it's deep roots and they feel the need to stick with it as well.

The basic concept of each ad stems from a 1995 ad with Jay Bush and his dog Duke. The ad actually won a Gold Effie that year.

I actually think the dog is such a crappy middle-American appeasement that mocks the national intelligence, or no, just underestimates it. But maybe the dog provides the necessary recall for the brand.

So to me, keep it in the family, ditch the fucking dog. But what do I know, it seems to work! Do they seriously need to do as much advertising as they do, just to maintain the market share? It's beans for fuck's sake.

Here's the ad:

Friday, June 27, 2008

Between A Rock and A Hard Place

I hate to drone on and on in this thing about the pathetic pondering that dominates my mind these days. It makes me seem depressed. I don't think I'm depressed...maybe I am.

My dad always used to say my mom was never happy where she was at. She lived one place and wished she was in another. But when they moved to that other place, she was just as unhappy to be there, if not more.

What if it's not that one just can't be happy where they are, but simply that where they are is just not where they want to be? It's getting away from what they really hate and settling for something they can just barely tolerate. It's just the only viable alternative because of any amount of factors--age, where you are in life, money, anything.

And maybe it isn't the place, but the people and the things we surround ourselves with.

As friends, the four of us always found a way to have fun, even when we were underage in a city where everything "fun" required a certain age. We could make a good time of a night driving around blaring an ipod. They're all going to party it up in the capital this weekend and I wish I could drive there and meet them.

this ends abruptly but I had to leave suddenly while typing it, then I lost the feeling for this entry. NEXT!

Friday, June 20, 2008


You know what makes starting up a business so horribly difficult? People in your field are so freaking reluctant to give any sort of advice or aid. At least in photography. I have asked a friend of mine who works all over Texas for advice on lens use, what kind of filters he uses and stuff about photoshop, and I swear he never ever gives me a real answer. It's like he doesn't want me to make any sort of headway on this whole thing. I've emailed other local photographers askign questions and making job inquiries, and I never even get responses! There's not even a "thanks for your interest, but we don't have any positions available" or "thanks for liking my style, but..." So I'm slowly trying to figure it all out myself. I've always helped anyone that asks me for assistance. rude!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Enough Creativity to Light Your Mind on Fire.

This is without a doubt the most innovative ad I've seen in a long time. It's a video projection on the side of a building, an ad for HBO

read about it via AdAge here: Voyeur

Monday, June 16, 2008


Found this ad while surfing the web. from back in January I guess. good one tcm. good one.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

No one that watches Family Guy wants to see Bill Engvall. Different crowd.

I guess the way some people get their ideas for stories is by browsing Digg
for information that other people have already posted and dug up for them, because HEY! it's less work that way!

I swear I saw this story on Digg 2, 2 WEEKS ago, maybe more, and today it's a featured article in Adage?
Is the the only real way to discover an anomaly, other than watching the show itself? I was sort of annoyed by the crassness of the author at first, but then thought, hey-- maybe he's just taking what he saw on digg and elaborating on it for his less delving colleagues. And that's cool I guess.

Whatever, I guess they did have to do research on past instances of snipe advertisement, and get opinions of ad creatives to quotes...

I guess you might say that's all Gawker and every critic blogger does, find interesting things someone else has posted and give their opinion on it while crediting the origin. So here I am to continue the pattern. I guess i just thought AdAge people were a little more credible.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sometimes it just skips a generation...

Imagine stepping into a public restroom and having to decide:

Do you use the stall with the pubic hair on the toilet?

Or the one with the faint smudge on the toilet seat that could be one of 2 things?

Squatting or not, it's still a serious choice.

If I weren't in an office building, I'd choose outside over both.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Don't Say You'll Never

Is it normal for a new blogger to start out quite modestly when it comes to sharing?

Looking back on old posts I see painstakingly written entries that try their best to be as vague as humanly possible. But as time goes on, they begin to really loosen up. I begin to really share truly intimate feelings with who? My computer screen as far as I know. I always just thought this would be a good place to put my thoughts and pictures and opinions on popular culture. Nothing really so much public as just a place for me to be able to say what I wanted about anything at all without being judged or corrected.

And now I worry about 'over'-sharing. I put down private thoughts about relationships and pain I feel without really knowing who reads this sucker. I do the judging and the correcting--of others I interact with and of things I observe. What if I'm losing the ability to say something to someone's face, or even more so, the ability to linger on deeper thoughts without reminding myself to blog about them?

You never see things like this as a problem until someone you would rather didn't know everything about you, finds it out. Not that anyone has or I really care all that much personally, but I do care about the way others might feel, especially if I'm hurting them.

I'm going to experiment with being a little less emotionally personal on certain levels and see if I can get something intellectual out of my writing for a little while. We'll see how this goes...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Just Put It On Shuffle

I hate the way break ups ruin your entire musical library but at the same time, recreate them in an entirely new and different way.

It's not just a few songs. It's every single song that played any time anything even seemingly significant happens. I can't listen to any of my playlists anymore. And when I shuffle, I run the risk of hitting that one song that has just enough sentiment and meaning to push me to tears.

The power that music has in connection with memory is striking. I'll hear a song from years ago, remembering the way I used to play the song over and over, memorizing the words, burning my emotions and mental state into every verse. Once, (this is the nerdiest example I've ever cited) I listened to a song on repeat while I read Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, and today, when I hear the song, I feel the way I felt reading that book.

So sometimes, you have to abandon songs for a while. I always know that someday I will be able to hear these songs again, and remember how they felt, and not hurt. These songs are to an emotional eruption are like when you put hydrogen peroxide on a cut. It burns so damn badly, but you know it's cleansing the wound. So if you're into self punishment, you make a playlist of only those songs and tune in for some abuse.

Sometimes, very rarely, I completely cut the song out of my life. I hear it, remember loving it, and have no interest in it whatsoever. It's been long enough not to wince at the opening chords, but also long enough not to like the song anymore either.

During this time of destruction of an itunes library and an entire top 25, I always look for new music, and even resurrect some oldies. I need to have music in my ears, so I adjust my tunes to my lifestyle. Doesn't everyone?

I found this site today, where individuals can post a mix tape that an ex made them back when they were together, and then tell the story of the relationship and the power the mix tape held for them. You can even listen to the tapes right there.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Be Careful What You Hope and You Pray For...

I got exactly what I wanted

why does it still hurt so badly?

What the hell is wrong with me?!?!?!?!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Steppin' Out With My Baby

I feel like writing something, but I'm not sure what.

I've been walking in kind of a daze lately. It's the final week of classes, hell week if you will. It's the week when all professors finally get off their asses and assign a shit load of work in every single class. It's insane.

I've had to 2 two presentations this week, and I have several papers to write and then a few exams. Next week is finals week. WHOO. This semester has gone by much faster than I anticipated!

One of my roommates and B are both graduating the week after that. Then I'm going home to work for a while. I was going to do a photography internship with a really cool photographer here, and still may. The guy just let me know that it wouldn't be a paid internship, which was disheartening because I am in dire need of funds. So I may work with him on and off all summer, but will have another job as well. I wish my business were getting off the ground more...

The funeral last weekend went well, we laughed, we cried-- it was good to spend time with my family. I also had an opportunity to get some great shots of my family-- mainly my brother, I'll post a few at the end of this entry.

Monday night B and I went to dinner with my Aunt. She is in town this week for a bridge tournament with her girlfriends. We went to this steakhouse that I had always wanted to go to but had never been to. I had a chance to tell her all about Vegas and talk about the family. I think she really liked B, and vice versa. I'm glad we went.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Three Bells

So. After months of wondering "will today be the day he dies?", my dad's father, my grandfather, has passed away. I am home currently for the funeral this weekend. Much like with my great grandmother 2 months ago, I had a gut feeling it would happen this week. I know that he's no longer in pain, so I'm holding it together pretty well. I cried once, while I was laying with B yesterday. It just sort of happened and I wept in his arms for a while.

My best memories of my grandfather from when I was a child are like this. He worked for the United States Postal Service for as long as I can remember. When I was visiting my grandparents in the summer and whatnot, I could expect to see him around lunch time. He would come home from the post office to have lunch. He'd make a sandwhich and have chips and I would join him. Afterward he would always pull out the Blue Bell Strawberry ice cream he had bought just for me. It was our favorite. Then he'd go back to work. In his light blue post office dress shirt.
The only thing that is getting to me is, I didn't get to talk to him again. ugh.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Toothpaste Kisses

I am currently using the last remaining battery in my computer to type this entry. Here are two issues I have. First--my power chord on my laptop isn't charging my computer, at all. So I spent an hour and a half getting a work order put together on the phone with Dell. BUT it the technician won't be here until Tuesday!! Ahafdksjfk. I am angry purely for an academic reason, and not because I'm addicted to the internet culture... :D ha..

Secondly, I find myself angry that I own a laptop. I bought this computer with my money, but I really wanted a desk top, they were cheaper anyway!! But my dad was hellbent on a laptop. "Oh you can take it to class and on campus!" I never do that. I knew I wouldn't either. So whatever. It sits at my desk, always on.

I am just taking out my frustrations of not having a computer for several days. It'll be good for me really. I'll get homework done. EXCEPT FOR MY ADS WHICH HAVE TO BE TYPED UP, but I'll go to the library. Which'll only make me work harder. WHO AM I BECOMING?! I am pretty much one of the laziest people alive. I think this is why B and I are so good together, we're both EXTREMELY LAZY, but have our moments and really get our shit done. I've always been friends with people like that. Except for my roommates. It always hits me hard to see them doing homework every single night when I don't have any. Don't get me wrong, my major is just as busy as theirs, but in spurts. Not this constant roar of homework. I would die.

Hence, in my Leadership, Communication and Civility class, we did some kind of test and figured out whether each class member was more task oriented or people oriented. I came out ahead as a people person, but the tasks weren't far behind. I think that there are people who just don't give a shit, who love people, but get NOTHING done career wise, or soul wise, (well, maybe it does their soul better in a different way..?) But I mean, do these people really get anywhere in life if they don't have at least a little task orientation? And Vice Versa. Granted, there are hardasses out there with no hearts that care only about the job and hate the people. Those people are sad, but successful. So I feel like it's balanced to be a little of both, you know that people are important, but also doing things with people or leading people or getting tasks done is a priority for you too, you know that it better connects you with those people you love.

ANYWAY digression.

Point is, I planned on doing homework this weekend, and it looks like I won't have anything to distract me. But I am lazy, so i'll probably find something, but maybe I'll be lazy for less time.

I'm doing so well though :)

I got some sort of virus this week, that caused a horrible rash all over my body that was like the chicken pox, it was HORRIBLE. It started on my neck and spread over the course of 4 days, until i finally broke down and went to the student health center and got meds. I was miserable. I would wake up in the middle of the night scratching. Toward the end of the week I took benadryl every few hours to stay knocked out enough to not scratch. I felt like I looked horrible too. It wasn't disgusting or anything but it was extremely red and looked like disease haha. But B helped me buy oatmeal bath and Benadryl lotion and kept saying things like "I don't even see it" to make me feel better. And when he caught me scratching he'd stop me and rub it to make, (the doctor said rubbing was better than scratching, SO sign me up. Hopefully it'll still be cleared up by the time he gets home.

Today I spent the day with C, we ate foodz, saw hot boyz, and cruised around. ALSO we went to world of pets or something and looked at animals! I want a snake or a lizard. As long as they don't stink. I've got to hop in the shower, we're going clubbing...

Monday, March 31, 2008

If You Don't Stop and Take a Look Around Once In a While, You Might Miss It.

It's been a bit since I've updated. It's been a bit busy.

I find myself in a place I haven't been in a long while. One of those, can't stop smiling moods.

A few days ago, B asked me with him. He's easily the most gentle, kind, and attentive person I've ever been with.

So this weekend was really great.

Wednesday night was B's 21st birthday, so we went to Chimmy's, a bar that everyone that isn't of age can't wait to go to. We had a few margaritas and a good time.

Thursday night a few of us went and played tennis and Ultimate Frisbee with some friends of my old roommates. That was really a lot of fun. It felt so good to be exhausted from so much physical activity.

Friday night I watched Enchanted with my roommates and their friend J came into town and stayed the weekend. Later that night B came over and spent the night. I had a lot of trouble going to sleep. There is something about having someone sleep in the same bed as you when you haven't for a long time that takes getting used to. It'll There were points when I just wanted to roll over and sleep on my side of the bed without being touched. What an idiotic feeling. And just when I get to a point where I'm not in that shitty 'half sleep' anymore

Saturday after we woke up we went to lunch and went back to his place and played Rock Band for far too long. Afterward B took me to see 21--good movie! Then he took me to dinner and later that night we got dressed and went to a bar that was having a Jazz jam session. The Duke Ellington Band had a concert last night, and had an open jam session afterward at this place. It was cute and romantic and I loved it. The music was phenomenal. It was the kind of atmosphere where you can completely relax next to someone and enjoy the music. We got there late so we only got to listen for about an hour, but it was worth it. When he reaches for my hand and squeezes it lightly, my heart jumps. We went home after that and I stayed as his place. Same sleeping problem, but it's OK.

Woke up today around 1 or so, and went home. I have a lot of work to do this week that I've been neglecting. It's gonna be a rough one, but something tells me I won't mind.

I love the beginning of relationships. There's an innocence and a passion in it that you don't get from anything else in the world.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How Dare You Say It's Nothing to Me

Sometimes, I find myself making serious character judgments about the way people dress, the car they drive, or what they carry around with them. I know everyone does it, it's humanity's way of categorizing and weeding out what they don't want from life. But how often are we passing something really worth our while up?

I stood on my porch last night, looking at cars parked in the complex. I focused on one, an old model Isuzu trooper. It had a deer horn on it, and a huge dent in the front end. I could help but think, they probably hit a deer, and now they have this deer horn. Living here, it's not an invalid thought. I assume from the little pink bag of air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror that this car belongs to a girl, probably a flighty one at that. I swear, not two minutes after thinking that, a large, thuggish looking man walks toward the car, gets in it and drives away. Ha, talk about misjudged.

Then I wonder how often people misjudge me. Some of my girlfriends and I are playing on a co-ed softball team this semester. There is this one boy-- I constantly get the feeling he thinks I'm inept because I'm a girl. I was playing right center, which, what a boring position anyway. When a left handed batter stepped up to the plate, this boy actually had me switch him spots. I was a little insulted but shrugged it off as his own need to display his domination over me as a male. Come on man, I actually know the rules and have hand eye coordination! GO FIGURE. Yes he's misjudging me, but am I too making an error by assuming he just thinks girls aren't athletic?
It comes down to a few simple questions. What do I hope people see in me? and What do they really see when they look at me?

I hope they see a girl who envisions the world in a different way than most. Someone who can find something to love or hate in anything she chooses. I like being girly, but I love the idea of playing sports and getting a gruesome injury that looks REALLY cool. I wear what I want, which is a mixed classic style. But that doesn't mean I'm not wild. I drive a yellow VW beetle. I always think that it's a direct reflection of my personality-- bright and a little vintage and odd. Inevitably though, I'll bet people see it as a snotty reflection of a spoiled daddy's girl. How funny.

so I'll focus on seeing past the outside of people this week I think.

On another note. I'm one of the laziest people I've ever met. In my honors class today the prof asked us to write down a 'To Do' list of things we needed to get done before the week ended. Last week was my tough week, so this week it's smooth sailing. I had few things to write on my list, but I look around me and all of the 'MISFITS' (honors kids) are feverishly jotting down things, making full page 'To Do' lists. Sometimes people just need to chill out. After that, the prof had us write down a 'To Be' list for the week, of things we needed in order to 'Be'. I realized, most of what I do, I do to be. If it's not required, and sometimes if it is required, it's the last damn thing on my 'to do' list. I just don't feel like homework and school activities make me who I am. For instance, Sunday night, I should have gone to bed in preparation for a school day Monday, but instead went to the observatory with C, we listened to music and star gazed. I didn't go to bed until 6 A.M. and really felt good. That made a huge difference to me in my emotional and psychological life, but I skipped class all day yesterday. I feel completely satisfied in that choice. It turns out the professor's point was-- being a leader and a good communicator isn't about what you do, it's about who you are.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Choosing Civility

I am taking an Honors class called Communication, Civility, and Leadership.

The class is discussion based and we sit around talking about real life situations. It's taught by a dean in the Human Sciences building who used to travel around the nation teaching seminars on this subject. At the end of every class we do some sort of exercise, meant to tune us into the world around us. Once our assignment was to simply people watching for about an hour in the Student Union, and write down our observations. I love this class.
Among other activities we've also had to make eye contact with everyone we can as we walk across campus, pay attention to the small things, and practice the art of giving and receiving compliments.

I can't believe this is an Honors class. It's everything one could ever hope for in a class. It reminds me of Theory of Knowledge.

Our out of class reading right now is a book called Choosing Civility by J.M. Forni. It talks about how we act as a society, as a globe, and how we interact. It discusses civility and the different ways we exhibit it. There are so many social rules and cues that we go through on a day to day basis. One part I particularly enjoy-- the discussion of how we as a technology driven society have lost the ability to communicate well. I've talked about this in previous posts. We use E-mail, instant messaging and text messaging as a smoke screen to keep from getting too emotional about anything. We walk down the street and look at the ground as we pass another person. The book discusses 25 different "rules" of civility, that we should all work into our daily lives. Most of these things are things we've all been raised with-- table etiquette, the golden rule, the value of listening, etc.

I've just stayed up all night writing a paper concerning my opinion on a rule of my choice. I chose one that many people overlook-- Respect Even a Subtle "No". The book discusses how often we choose to ignore people's signals of negativity and question them brutally for a reason when they decline an invitation or don't want us around. I talked about how we ignore the signals because a "no" gives us a sense of whole rejection. Rejection of who we are as people. But by selfishly satisfying our own needs we negate others and belittle them. The author suggests that by simply accepting "No" without qualms can be one of the most civil things we as humans can do. It not only shows strength and respect on our part but it gives the receiver a sense of existence, they feel like their needs are being met. I made personal references to myself interacting with my friends and family. I sometimes get so caught up in the idea the the people I love share my interests and needs exactly, that the incivility runs rampant.

As far as the class goes for me, I feel like I'm different in public. I see SO many more people I know during the day and take the time to sit down and talk to them and ask them how things are going. I've met tons of new people these past few weeks, just by being kind and listening. Sometimes that's all you need to make someone's day, and yours. It's a pretty badass notion, because it's so easy! But you have to think about it first. I think as children, we had all of the manners hammered into our heads and were reprimanded if we didn't adhere to them. But as we grow older, we have no one but ourselves to keep us in line, and we get caught up and throw all caution to the wind.

And my prof says I smile more. haha :D

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

We Think You're A Dope, Shove Your Hope Where it Don't Shine.

I've been looking for some new music, everything seems to bore me. Today I found a girl called Santogold, and I really like what I've heard so far. People accuse her of being a lot like M.I.A., but it's deeper than M.I.A., much more New York. She's underground but she's really been getting attention lately.

I also bought tickets to see Jimmy Eat World in April. I am dying. I could not believe my eyes when the tour schedule had them set to come here. They are in fact, my all-time, die hard favorite band. I haven't seen them since 2003. And they only opened for like...Green Day or some bull shit. Ah yes, it was the Pop Disaster tour. A friend of ours got us tickets on the lawn but we ended up at the front in the pit. As much as I loathe what Green Day has become, they sure can put on a show. I think Blink 182 played too, but they were downright awful. I was all for Jimmy. I suuuuure would love to get them to sign all my stuff, making me the very best product of our consumer society. Their new album, Chase This Light came out this year, I recommend it. My favorite song is one called 23 which is my favorite number. I always like to think of it as 'the day after'. B always talks about what a depressing band they are, and I strongly disagree. I've grown with this band pumping into my ears. Their album Futures was an emotional one, but not depressing. They have this distinctive sound that I can't find anywhere else. It's not whiny and it's eclectic.

I took some 'me' time this weekend. Some serious me time. It had actually been a while for me; I was taking a break. But then I let the stress really get to me, and the release was phenomenal. There also comes a point when you've just spent way too much time with someone. If I had had a choice I would have chilled with my girls, but being across the state makes that impossible. I just needed some time alone, and I spent a lot of time driving around taking pictures, perusing the net for new music, reading, and just laying around. I didn't see my roommates or anything. I hung out with C on Sunday and went to the bar with A. On Saturday night I got a seriously drunk, etc. When I laid down that night, so many thoughts were rushing through my head all at once, I seriously thought my head was going to pop. Sometimes I girl just needs to shop and laugh with her friend. There were also a fair amount of hours spent playing with photoshop. There were some good moments of clarity, and I wish I had come here and gotten more of them down, but I was lazy.

But alas, not enough clarity was attained maybe? (maybe I should spend some more quality time "thinking" alone?) br />
Today as I was doing the crossword, a daily ritual, I was wondering who in the hell has time to create crossword puzzles? And is it someone's dream? Did they wake up one day and say, "I am the laziest person alive but I've got unstoppable logic and a way with puzzles and words, I think I'll live out my life creating crossword puzzles!" I'd like to tell Michael T. Williams, today's crossword creator, thanks. You make classes like Research Methods bearable.

Here, a picture I took this weekend, and an old one of the girls.

Welcome to West Texas

Chicago, Navy Pier, Bubba Gump Shrimp Co., bathroom, I wonder what people thought.

In the back of a Chicago police car, best experience ever! hahaa

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Softly and Tenderly

My great grandmother died yesterday. I have to fly out tomorrow. It was weird because, all week I've been having this feeling that I needed to go home this weekend.

Here is a portrait I took of her at Christmas.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Only Thing Constant Was The Constant Reminder She'd Never Change

When I was little, my parents used to make me go play outside on the weekends quite often. Sometimes I may have gone of my own choosing, I can't remember.

Either way, I spent an awful lot of time outside. When you are confined to a dirty, poor neighborhood and can't leave the vicinity of about 3 blocks or so, you make up your own fun.

I knew my street and the ones directly behind and in front of it, and maybe half a mile to the left and right like the back of my hand. I used to pretend that I was exploring and being pursued by some terrible villains and I had to hide in secret places to keep them from finding me. The whole deal. On these journeys I used to collect all kinds of junk. Rocks, broken glass, pieces of old toys, Christmas light bulbs, Shiny metal, buttons, all sorts of shit. I used to take them home and tell my mom they were my treasures. I'm pretty sure she thought it was the grossest thing, me finding and bringing home junk from the allies and keeping it in my room.

So soon after that my I began collecting rocks in a more hobby type of way. I'm sure this was highly encouraged by my parents. I couldn't have been more than 7 or 8 years old. I had pieces of every type of rock imaginable, polished and natural. I had little cases to separate each one and bags to hold them in if I wanted to carry them somewhere.

I used to get together with my best friend Cody, and he and I would compare rocks and play games in his tree house. As a girl, I loathed being friends with girls. I had loved Barbies and playing with hair like a girl should, but I also had a smart mouth, loved sports, art, bugs, animals and boys. The other girls I knew found my sarcasm off-putting (even as a child!) and the idea of me running through a field chasing horned frogs with the boys was even worse. In reality, I only disliked girls at school, because they were catty and prissy, and there had only been boys in my neighborhood and church before. While all the girls slumber parties talking about how much they hated boys, I played with the neighborhood boys and had real fun.

The thing is, once I started actually loving boys, I was still just their best friend. This was a trend that would continue up through high school, only girls didn't like me because I had a close relationship with the boys they dated. With more than a few guys, our friendships ended because they had been given an ultimatum, end the friendship with me or lose her. The funny thing is, each time their relationship would end, the boy would come back and we'd be friends again.

I realize that I was, and always have been, just the next best thing. I'm the one they tell all their hopes, dreams and desires to, I'm a girl they can actually have fun with, and so much more. But I am just a stand-in. An emotional and sometimes physical outlet for them until they find their next girlfriend. And the thing is, with most of them, I end up having feelings for them in some capacity. I stuck with my friend D more than once. He'd break up with one and it would be me that he'd call every single night, my shoulder that he'd cry on, and me he'd go out with. But he began dating a new girl, and I was finished. I thought, I can't handle this anymore. And I haven't gone back.<
As far as collecting junk goes, I would say I have transferred that passion into when I go out and take photographs of random places, things and people that I find beautiful. I can have all of those "treasures" but in a better way. This past weekend I went photo-walking with some friends in a sketchy neighborhood, and it felt just like I was in my first neighborhood again, observing and exploring everything I saw. Here are a few shots from that day:

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I'm Ready For It.

I know I've been writing a lot lately. My body is exploding with words dying to get out; I have no other outlet. People think I talk to much, but they don't realize that I never really say anything. It's just meaningless dribble to keep the conversation going. For the sake of what? I don't know. Courtesy, I'm guessing. Maybe if I fill their minds with who I want them to think I am, then they'll never really know the real me. The terror underneath that can't imagine being without them, but can't stand being around them.

What the hell am I doing and what is the point? When do I get to take my shit degree and move on and do something that make my heart beat passionately instead of it's current state--going on because it's too bored to find something else to do. I sit in class on edge waiting for class to end. It's an anxious feeling, like something big is going to happen to me right after class and I can't wait, only there never is anything big.

I want to live in the city, I want to take photographs of anything and everything I find beautiful, I want to do everything I've never done and more. I want to breathe crisp morning air that doesn't smell like the stock yards blowing in from the South. I don't want to hear any more people around me bitching about how hard they have it and how depressed they are. You're depressed because you shut yourself out from the world and drown it in "school work". You're depressed because no one likes sitting alone in a room with their television and computer keeping them company. I just want to be completely IN the world, I want it to envelope me in every way. I know others sadness rubs off on me and I allow myself to succumb to self-pity. Self-loathing is a completely different problem. That's no one's fault but my own. I know I'm beautiful, smart and funny. But something is off. One tiny part of me isn't convinced. It's laughing in my face. Laughing at my ambitions, laughing at my attempts at grace.

How long do I have to wait and think "If I just take shit for a little longer, I can do what I want." Because I am hoping it's when college ends. I know it isn't. How much shit will I take at some Snob ad agency before I feel satisfied.

Who am I angry with? I can't figure it out. I can blame my roommates, my parents, or school. But is it anyone's fault? I feel empty again. You tell me that I'm not. I do feel loved, I do. But it's just...nothing. My mind is getting the best of me.

Once, when I was younger, just once- in a moment of complete absent mindedness or maybe clarity, I dropped a curling iron against my skin on purpose, just to see how long I could stand the pain. It wasn't an act of despair or sadness, it was just something I was curious about. There were a lot of things about life I was trying to understand, and the line between the two concepts of physical and emotional pain seemed fuzzy. I still have the scar to prove it. I tell people I fell asleep and dropped the curling iron, for fear that people would think I was mental for having any wonder.

I have all these plans and goals, and I'm well on my way to getting what I want. I know that I just have to stick to it. So what's the deal?

My dreams lately are nothing but jokes on reality. Dreams that seem so real. I wake up and wonder if they really happened. Those dreams are more haunting that anything else. Are they manifests of my desires or worst fears? I don't want them.

Hit me, where's my quick fix?

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Way We Were...

Isn't it interesting the way different people interpret the same movie? Regardless of the creator's intent or the story-line or anything, it will be interpreted the way each viewer wants to see it. That's magic. That's why films thrive. On the other hand I also believe this is why films that try to shove an opinion down the audience's throats inevitably fails.

It's like a good advertisement. Maybe it suggests something that has been on everyone's mind but no one is willing to speak aloud. Wants, needs, desires, passions, hatred.

Tonight the roommates and I watched The Way We Were. Before anyone gets worked up and thinks "Oh Gosh, another chick-flick?!" I'm not here to get anything about how romantic and wonderful and blah blah this movie is.

I just found it extremely intriguing how each roommate decided what the movie was trying to say, and how it related to each of our own personal lives. You can do this with a lot of movies. Not escapism movies like Box Office blowouts and Superhero sagas, but with some truly well done movies.

An extremely brief loose synopsis of the movie, so as not to include bias before I explain each viewpoint. An so as to further that idea, the imdb synopsis:

Two desperate people have a wonderful romance, but their political views and convictions drive them apart.

OK. I guess that's a little barren. On the chance of fucking up this wonderful thought I had, I'll just go ahead and explain how I saw the movie and move on with the other interpretations, and let them speak for themselves. If you really want to get a feel for this movie, watch it yourself.

SO. Two people, worlds apart, attend the same college. Katie and Hubble. It begins as your typical, nerd loves jock type of story. I believe this is done in order to make the audience comfortable with the familiarity of such a simple beginning plot. Naturally. (An aside. Don't you ever just want to say "DUH" but don't because the word seems so uncouth? but sometimes it's the only thing that will suffice) I digress. So the two people with nothing in common end up getting together. She's touched by his undeniable way with words and (DUH) he's Robert Redford; he's intrigued by her resolve and strength in the face of adverse opinion. She had this wild dynamic that was as intoxicating. Their love become so strong and intertwined that it still stands when everything falls apart. The politics get in the way, the stress and pressure just isn't enough for them to stay together. With all the love they have for one another, it just can't be. That is a horrible thing to watch. He thinks that love should be easier. She thinks she can fix it if she tries hard enough. It's all explained in a line early in the film:
Katie: I don't have the right style for you do I?
Hubbell : No you don't have the right style.
Katie I'll Change.
Hubbell : No don't change you're your own girl, you have your own style.
Katie : But then I won't have you. Why can't I have you?

She was everything he couldn't be and vice versa. She was outspoken, she didn't go along with the grain. He was high class, easy-going, successful. In the end, no one can truly change, and if they had stayed together, their love would destroy them both. You know they love each other still after everything because of the last scene. They meet on the streets of New York and it's not with malice or regret, but with love and friendship. I mean the fucking song talks about only remembering the laughter in the way we were, because the hard times were too bad to think about. They couldn't be together. It had to end that way. OK. I've gone too far! Getting carried away here. Moving on.

My roommate A, could only see what a bastard Hubble was when he cheated on her with his old girlfriend. She got lost in the plot, and kept wondering why Katie didn't just dump Hubble on his ass, and why he even put up with her. She didn't understand the politics of the movie, which really were just a side story to make things tense. She was focused on how rough it was going to be for Katie to raise a child alone in the 60s--a time when, to her, everyone had to be in a nice packaged family where the mom stays home and cooks. She couldn't see that Katie would never be that type of mother anyway, which was part of why the relationship died. Even when Katie met Hubble's new girlfriend at the end, she couldn't understand why Katie handled it so gracefully, instead of going ape shit and refusing to even look at the woman. She wondered why the movie ended so sadly.

The other roommate K, was almost at this same view, but could see that they loved each other very much. She wanted Katie to drop Hubble as well, and move on with her life. She though Katie put up with way too much shit. She concentrated on how she had packed up her entire life and moved to Hollywood to be with Hubble, and he had sacrificed nothing. Although. I would like to say here, that Hubble did compromise as well. He did. It just wouldn't work. Anyway. She saw Katie as this independent woman who didn't need him in her life if he couldn't support her.

The fucking parallels between our own personal lives and the ways we chose to interpret this film are NUTS. I don't mean in the way our lives actually play out so much as the way we feel about life, the way we each think things should work out. I mean. If you've read any of this blog, you can see my unguarded parallels. I like to think I saw this movie the way it was intended. But did I?

I thought about this for a few minutes and decided. SURE. I interpreted it correctly, because it's never meant to be seen one way. Is this what makes it a classic?

I leave with one other good line from the film:

Hubbell Gardner: You think you're easy? Compared to what, the Hundred Years' War?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Toxic Holiday

By now most people's so-called New Years Resolutions are fading slowly and said people are falling back into their usual routine.

I prefer to think that what I have decided to make out of 2008 not as a resolution, but as a mere goal. What I have already begun doing, is something I hope will satisfy my creative needs and set up some connections for my career.

I am currently in the early stages of creating a small photography business. My mom's best friend has her own business, and over Christmas break, she took a look at some portraits I did. She critiqued them for me but really told me that they were professional work and I should think about starting a small local business. Of course I was over the moon and back at this compliment, but laughed it off at the time.

When I came back to school, the idea popped into my head again one night, and I decided to go through with it. The only thing that was holding be back before now was, the idea that as a Advertising major amongst many Photocomm majors, I wouldn't be up to par with those individuals who worked at it day in and day out. It's only my passionate release from the monotony of everyday life. But now I was thinking, sure these other people are studying, but are they actually out there doing anything with it right now? And I've gained quite a bit of experience in classes and experimentation as well, and have the eye for it, so WHY NOT?

So I've started a Web site. Black Ruby Photography. I am currently adding the extra touches to it, which is taking FOREVER and making me seriously consider a HTML class. Also, there are some fliers to design and put up all over town.

I'm going to advertise toward graduating students, graduating high school seniors, engaged couples, and any other location photography.

Today I had a small interview with a local photography shop, where I hope to work part-time until I graduate, furthering my experience with equipment and the owner's knowledge. I'll find out next week whether or not I got the position.

I am going to make something out of this year. I'm 21, and it's time I did something of substance. I can't and won't spend another year lovesick and apathetic. It just makes me feel like a fool a year later. So here I go! Join me on this interesting journey!

Friday, January 4, 2008

One of Us Has to Drive, One of Us Gets to Think

New Years Eve 2007.

Every year the party is completely different from whatever I expect to transpire, no matter how much advanced planning is involved. And it always ends up being fun anyway!

This year, the girls and I had a plan. Usually it's the four of us getting together around 9 or 10 and saying "Allright where are we going?"

The plan was to go to dinner, head to a house party or two, leave early to spend midnight in a club downtown, dancing. After the club we would just go where ever led.

A tip for my future New Years Eve plans, go to the liquor store at least a full day ahead of time. We went, and the place was elbow to elbow. It took us an hour just to buy our drinks.

So after this debacle, we went to Jason's Deli and caught a quick dinner. The it was off to the house party to pre-game. I got to be the designated driver this year, which just meant I had to drink significantly less than the others. Let me tell you, watching people drink everclear drinks while I sip on patron and coke is not bad at all. My experience with Everclear is far from pleasant, and I was determined to do my job as 'DD' anyway. After a few trips to the garage and a few drinking games, everyone was doing well. We were having such a good time, that it was hard to leave when we needed to go to the club.

As we're walking on the porch, our friend M came outside and was upset we were leaving. So we started encircling him and hugging him and embarrassing him with showers of affection. Who knows how long this went on. I am describing this moment because, at this exact same time, a really attractive boy was passing us, going into the party.
For a split second, the name of this boy was in my mind. But I thought, "no way...that can't be him..." So this guy continues to walk in and I begin to lead the girls out toward the car. Once he's inside, behind me K shouts, "WAS THAT JOSH BRUCE!?" It was. I whirled around and concured and we began losing our minds like we were back in high school again. See this guy was a Senior during our sophomore year of high school, and he was the 'it' boy. We were absolutely giddy. Nevermind the fact that we had forgotten he even existed until that moment. And with that, we left the party and headed for the club, anticipating our return and chance to meet him.

We drive downtown and park to find a club. We parked in this shady parking lot that had a police vehicle guarding the entrance. As I pull into the space, this cop begins to pass us. M says, "Oh no, that's a K-9 unit..." And so begins the anxiety. We calmly got out of the car and headed for the club, walking in the opposite direction of the fuzz.

The line for our planned destination for midnight was SO LONG. So to make a long story short, mainly because this has taken me a week to finish this entry, we walked back to the car to find another club that we might spend our new year in and ended up ringing in midnight in the car. It was fun though, we were just glad to be together.

It's decision time. The girls and I decide the best plan of action would be to head back to the party. So we drive back and continue our adventure. Drinking more than anyone should, and smoking more than necessary, it was a night to remember. There was a drinking game at some point that just turned into people sitting around drinking and taking shots. We danced, laughed and took pictures. I vaguely remember a few games of pool, conversations with the high school hottie, and playing with a pet snake. NO, A REAL PET SNAKE.

At about 4 am it was decided we should make our way home. As we drove back, the usual hunger hit, and we made the usual stop at Whataburger. Soon after, we went to G's house, I presume we ate, and then passed out. :)

I have more to write but, later.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I've never...

the 'I've never' game. A popular past time among college students everywhere. The object of the game is to say something that you've never done, attempting to knock the other players that have done it, out of the competition.

So. If someone were to say to me-- "I've never written something crazy in my blog while completely slushed drunk," I would lose.

ie the previous entry. What an odd burst of emotion. I hope everyone enjoyed that in depth moment.

And so it goes.

All apologies.

I've got a lot to say about New Years Eve, coming up.