Thursday, July 31, 2008

That's the Way this Wheel Keeps Working

A finally things are beginning to turn up, minus the whole "I can't make it to my 8 A.M. class to save my life" thing.

This week I've been trying to get a job and get my intent to graduate filed (2 months late).
Monday I had an interview with a bank here to work as a teller at one of the local branches. The interview went really well and she promised to call me within the next week or so. Then Wednesday I had an interview at Red Raider Outfitters, and was asked a bunch of retarded questions. But that interview also went really well, because today I got offered the job and took it. The bank would have paid better, but I really needed a job ASAP and they were too slow getting back to me. Besides, Red Raider will be more fun, and my new roommate works there! She hooked me up!

All week I've been dealing with the Mass Comm advising office trying to get this graduation thing worked out. My adviser told me last year that I was fine on the intent filing and didn't need to do anything for a while. He was a big, fat liar. After I got a warning on my account for the thousandth time I decided to go check out what the problem was. Turns out I needed to file on or before May 9, 2008 to graduate in 09. They really fuck you at university. I filled out all the papers and it took me forever to catch the head adviser and get a time slot. I saw her today and she totally helped me out!!! Not only did she approve me to graduate, which usually takes months, but she worked out the rest of my year so that I can combine some of my minor classes for honors credit, lessening the amount of hours I have to take in the Spring.

While I was there, I figured I'd ask her about getting some more photo classes in, because I am not allowed to take any more as a non-major. Immediately she said "Not a problem!" and gave me the names of people to clear it with and said she could get me into several of the Mass Comm Photo classes, but I could also take some within the art department! So SWEET.

Next up, the boy situation. Maybe something cool will come my way.

I move tomorrow afternoon, so I won't have internet for a while. Sad times.

I bought this sweet ass fly swatter clock at a shop down the street last week. It's going right in our kitchen.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Your Lease Is About to Expire

I spent the better part of my day packing my stuff so I can move into a new apartment on Friday. It was amidst all this that I realized that I own TOO MUCH SHIT. I backed like 4 or 5 boxes and still have all of my clothes and bedding and electronics to go. Oh and the my insane shoe collection.

So I went out to Wal-Mart and bought some stretchy trash bags so I could cull out some old clothes to donate. The thing with that is, I already have a large box full of clothing to donate. I have to be strong here and not look back through any of the stuff because I'll inevitably find something I want to keep or how found some new attraction to.

I am a little bit OCD about my room being clean, and it hasn't been clean in weeks. Right now it looks as if a bomb went off in it. Granted, I am packing, but it still makes me crazy. When I took all of the photos and picture frames down, my room looked an awful lot like a boys room, very sterile walls and no sight of the floor.

SO. I am excited to actually be living with someone this next year that I click with.

So anyway, back to packing, here are some photos from the 4th I promised.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

He asked me "How many? "and I said " I don't know..."

I am trying to stay awake as long as possible.

Tell me, how can a person stay up all night long, go to class in the morning and sleep all day afterward?

It's easy. Just change your sleeping patterns. I've gotten into the habit of staying up all night and just napping for a few hours during the day. Once it all catches up to me, I sleep for a long, long time.

But tonight. Friday night. I have been drinking, etc. I am in that place. That perfect place where you haven't had to little or too much. I prefer it here.

I can't sleep unless I'm completely exhausted. This way there is no pre-sleep thinking.

I lost everything I wanted to say, goodnight

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Rocket's Red Glare

whew, back from 4th of July vacation.

I just went home to be with my family. It was great.
We had a fish fry on Friday and 4th activities on Saturday.

I got a lot of good shots, I'll try and post some tomorrow.

I came back Monday night and was supposed to go to bed early because Summer 2 classes started the next day, buuuuuut an opportunity opened up and ended up getting really drunk with some friends. haha. whoops. But I didn't miss class or anything :D

I've been trying to make a long update, but I've been busy. SOON!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

just returned from 2 weeks without internet, psh probably one week but it felt like two! Update coming rull soon