Friday, June 27, 2008

Between A Rock and A Hard Place

I hate to drone on and on in this thing about the pathetic pondering that dominates my mind these days. It makes me seem depressed. I don't think I'm depressed...maybe I am.

My dad always used to say my mom was never happy where she was at. She lived one place and wished she was in another. But when they moved to that other place, she was just as unhappy to be there, if not more.

What if it's not that one just can't be happy where they are, but simply that where they are is just not where they want to be? It's getting away from what they really hate and settling for something they can just barely tolerate. It's just the only viable alternative because of any amount of factors--age, where you are in life, money, anything.

And maybe it isn't the place, but the people and the things we surround ourselves with.

As friends, the four of us always found a way to have fun, even when we were underage in a city where everything "fun" required a certain age. We could make a good time of a night driving around blaring an ipod. They're all going to party it up in the capital this weekend and I wish I could drive there and meet them.

this ends abruptly but I had to leave suddenly while typing it, then I lost the feeling for this entry. NEXT!

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