Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Sweetest Way to Die

Another blogger I've been scanning through made an interesting assertion about a specific personality type that I wanted to quote and remember. This describes a friend of mine perfectly, and no matter how much I love this person-- they still fall into this category:

But of course, these self-made assholes are putting on the biggest show of all, trying to pretend like they're even bigger douche bags than they are in the hopes that controversy leads to interest, then to affection and admiration.

They soon realize that bastards with hearts of gold who are discovered and nurtured only exist in the movies, and they die alone, having never finished their book that is "better than 80% of the shit they publish these days."

1 comment:

Kris said...

well then by all means, lend 'em to me! i'm glad you'll be coming down, it's always good to see friendly faces. maybe we can play some tennis, perhaps some guitar hero? who knows?!