Friday, June 15, 2007

You shut your mouth when you're talking to me

A few hours ago I had my wisdom teeth removed. Why they hell would we as humans be equipped with teeth if they weren't needed? I don't care about the cavemen and what they needed. Having them removed was the most painful procedure I've experienced so far physically. All he did was numb my mouth and then jerk them out. not. even. kidding. The bottom left one was the only one that hadn't come out from beneath the gums. I think the roots of that sucker originated at my feet. I think I silently cried the entire time. Fuck dentists. The man wasn't even nice. His assistant was kind and tried to calm me down, but what the hell happened to hospitality?

I now officially:
hate soup
hate teeth
love vicodin

1 comment:

Shambhu said...

I never got my wisdom teeth. That means I am more evolved than you...or I have no wisdom!